Squarespace: Your Beauty Salon Website Needs it!

Guest article by Lee Tisdale

Beauty Salons benefit immensely from having a website, but it can be hard to find a platform that suits the needs of the industry. After all, it needs to be accessible, stylish, affordable and must accommodate bookings and appointments, the life and blood of the beauty industry. That sounds like a Squarespace website to me! With no coding experience required and a hand-holding customisation process, I’ll show you why Squarespace is perfect for your beauty salon website design!

The Simplest Integrated Booking System:

The integrated appointment system feature uses familiar calendars and allows you to create a schedule of weekly hours, which can be easily adapted to situations by using override hours. Say on Wednesday your schedule is more hectic than most days. That’s no problem, as Squarespace lets you set a unique time frame that overrides the weekly one, meaning that only Wednesday will deviate from the normal schedule.

No exaggeration, it’s a simple as crossing off a date on your calendar. And you don’t even need a new calendar; your Squarespace website will synchronise with your already existing calendars (Gmail, Hotmail etc.) and mark your appointments down on those!

You’re also not bound to just one calendar either! You can have multiple calendars to manage different types of appointments. There won’t be any confusion about your hair treatment bookings and your manicure bookings now!

The Monarch of Customisation:

Squarespace easily trumps other website building platforms when it comes down to its personalisation. These features also aren’t locked behind a technical skill floor; you can easily access the many templates that Squarespace has to offer and you can quickly customise them to your liking through colour palettes and drag-and-drop features! Personally, I find the Clune template to be sleek, simplistic and stylish, perfect for representing a beauty salon, but I also think Emmeline is a close contender. For consumer friendly designs that care for public appearance, Squarespace has your back!

Squarespace has some beautiful pre-made free templates, however there is a lack of salon & beauty specific designs. But never fear! You also have the option of choosing templates created by professional designers which comes at a much lower cost than hiring a designer to build your website from scratch. Plus by choosing a professionally designed templates you are likely to have more personalised support with the designer in helping you through the customisation process.

Squarespace On The Go:

Squarespace is one of the few website building platforms to benefit from a mobile-friendly interface, meaning you can create and manage your beauty salon website without feeling tethered to your computer! What better way to take advantage of that leftover mobile data? Just download the app, use your Squarespace login and you’re set to go wherever and whenever you want.
This mobile compatibility is optimised too, meaning your site will look like a mobile site instead of a desktop webpage crammed into a tiny phone screen.
Your calendars and appointments can also be managed (and will be optimised) through the scheduling mobile app, making it easier than ever to keep track of your schedule! 

Easily Affordable:

Squarespace is one of the cheaper platforms and knows not to overwhelm you with a million different plans and packages. There are four distinct and easy to understand plans to choose from, all of which are reasonable priced and can be adapted to monthly or annual payment plans. There aren’t any hidden costs either; what you see is what you get! You can even get free trials and can use various discount codes, so you’re not forced to take the plunge instantly. Use GENIUS10 for a 10% discount!
These plans are designed to grow with your business too! You might start out with the cheapest plan just to benefit from seeing your website analytics and the eCommerce function, and later decide to upgrade to a bigger plan for more storage space and to have more websites and domains!

To recap, Squarespace websites boast one of the most efficient and accessible appointment systems on the market, mobile compatibility, ease of use, and it spoils you for customisation without breaking the bank. So, does this sound like a job for Squarespace to you?

If you have any questions about Squarespace web design or custom website templates feel free to get in touch.


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